Chief executive officer

Kolton Speer

Our chief executive officer is currently pursuing a PhD in computer vision related topics at the University of Missouri following the completion of his BS in Computer Science. He has former work experience in Caterpillar's autonomy group.
chief technology officer

Aaron Fuller

Aaron has a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BS in Computer Engineering from the University of Missouri with former work experience as a computer engineer at Garmin.
lead mechanical engineering

To be disclosed at a later date

Our lead mechanical engineer has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri, S&T and over 25 years of work experience at various companies. His work experience is primarily in manufacturing.


Ruminant Robotics Inc. received their first round of funding from Redbud VCWe are currently raising another round of funding. Contact us by emailing if you represent a venture capital firm and you're interested in learning more about our mission and business plan.image